Average budget for private tutoring and after-school services in Romania hits EUR 2,000 in 2024

Parents are required to pay, on average, nearly RON 10,000 (EUR 2,000) per year for private tutoring, after-school programmes, and educational materials, according to a survey by Save the Children Romania, based on data collected at the end of 2024.
Compared to 2021, the average annual cost borne by parents for their children's education has increased by approximately RON 3,100, reaching RON 9,818 per year.
The most significant increases are related to private tutoring, around RON 3,700, and after-school programmes, approximately RON 2,500.
In this context, Save the Children Romania highlights the discrimination faced by children from vulnerable backgrounds and proposes a series of measures aimed at restoring equal access to quality education for all children.
(Photo source: Dreamstime.com)