Schedule of Romania’s queen mother Helen reburrial service announced

The Romanian royal family has announced the schedule of the reburial and funeral service to be held for Queen Helen, the wife of King Carol II and mother of King Mihai. She is will reinterred in Curtea de Argeș, in the New Metropolitan Cathedral.
The queen mother died in Lausanne, on November 29, 1982, while the country was under the rule of the communist dictatorship. She was buried at the Boix-de-Vaud cemetery in Lausanne.
The queen’s coffin will be brought to the country on October 18, at 12:00, at the Otopeni international airport, Bucharest’s main one. A military and religious service will be held at the airport. It will be attended by princess Margareta and members of the royal family, representatives of state institutions, of the Romanian Orthodox Church, of the Romanian Army, and of the diplomatic corps. The public will not have access at the service.
Between 12:45 and 16:00, the funeral procession will go from the airport to Curtea de Argeş, through Chitila, Titu, Găeşti, Topoloveni, Piteşti and downtown Curtea de Argeş. Although it will make no stops along the way, it will slow down in the localities it passes through.
The coffin will lie in the metropolitan cathedral beginning October 18, at 16:45. Starting 17:15, the public can pay their respects. The same can be done on October 19, between 08:00 and 10:00.
The royal family asked those who wish to bring flowers to choose white ones, to symbolize the serenity and kindness of the queen mother.
The burial service will be held on October 19, at 12:00. The public is allowed in the cathedral’s park.
At 12:40 the coffin will be taken to the new metropolitan and royal cathedral, where the reburial ceremony will be held. The public is allowed on the platform in front of the cathedral.
Beginning October 11 and until October 21, a condolences book is open at the Elisabeta Palace in Bucharest. At the same time, those who wish to bring flowers or lit a candle can do so in front of the Elisabeta Palace or in front of the cathedral in Curtea de Argeş.
The royal family also announced three mourning days, on October 18, 19 and 20.
(Photo: ©Casa-Majestatii-Sale-Custodele-Coroanei/