Reborn in Romania:Vacancy- Leaders wanted

02 July 2012

You came here for work, sent by your company or as an entrepreneur; or maybe following your husband or wife; or following nothing more than a hunch without much “long-term substance”? What if Romania was not just not just a stop on the way, but a real milestone in your life, a springboard of opportunities well grabbed - to a life of success, happiness, fulfillment beyond your expectations? Hopefully this section can help provide the inspiration to make just that of your stay in Romania: the land of the best of you. Let us hear topics of interest you’d like to see covered in this section: areas where you feel there is further room to excel, whether it is at work or in your personal life.

By Magda Niculescu 

Quite eventful these recent weeks on the political stage of Romania. The hopes coming with a new government and new local leaders are starting to vanish as a new wave of scandals capture public attention, seriously shaking belief in their capability of delivering better administration.

Wondering at this game of politics, somehow hopelessly, I could not stop think once again that if a country or a town was led on performance principles used in business, we would see much more getting done. If the political executives had a solid vision, SMART objectives, clear tracking systems and commitment to excellent execution, positive results would be guaranteed and the country could only prosper, right?

But wait, the economic (both macro and micro) scene is not that rosy either… bankruptcies, financial scams, unemployment, ecological disasters – it doesn’t look like business leaders are our best model.

While there is a clear skill gap between the political leaders and the business leaders, it seems the business community is not quite qualified to foster a “better world” either.

So what is the missing element? What is it that most political and business leaders lack, which stops them making a significant positive difference to the people they lead?

There are plenty of theories and models of leadership, varying the degree of accent placed on the internal factors (leadership as a function of the personality of the leader) vs. the external (how much a situation determines the type and success of leadership): Great Man Theory, Personality Traits Theory, Cognitive theories, Behavioral theories, Situational and Contingency Theories, Transactional Theory, Transformational theories.

No matter how brilliant and sophisticated the models, there does not seem to be a clear answer and or universal truth to the question what essential criteria makes a person more inclined to be a great leader?

The answer eludes us, but it is in front of our eyes, it is the elephant in the room.

I believe that not enough academic, political and business leaders have had the clarity and the courage to name it and steward it vigorously.

John Maxwell, the number one leadership guru calls this keystone of leadership 'Character.' I call it simply being a great person – better even: a person of greatness! Another familiar concept is that of spiritual quotient (SQ).

A person of greatness is defined by having a higher purpose than self, high standards and moral values. Great leaders have an overarching sense of service and high virtues – my pick: honor, truth, courage, excellence, responsibility, justice, humility, generosity and love.

A high spiritual quotient will also maximize the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) potential (passion, motivation, self-confidence, maturity, tact, social intelligence, resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience, discipline) and will more likely result in lasting meaningful impact, no matter which area of life (eg: family, work) or field of activity (eg: politics, business). Conversely, no matter how astute intellectually or socially, few leaders last and few have a real positive impact on people.

The aforementioned leadership theories abound in teaching thinking patterns, personal styles and social interaction strategies (putting to work the IQ and EQ), but few pose the question of a moral compass that shows the north (SQ). The corresponding leadership concept emerging is that of servant leadership that aims to equip leaders first with a moral compass. As a leadership theory its fundament relies, simply, on a set of values.

Now, looking again at our political and business leaders – how many of them inspire you as persons of greatness?

I rest my case.

By Magda Niculescu, Guest Writer 

Magda Niculescu is a Transformative Coach, equally versatile with corporate clients (Executive Coaching) as well as private clients (Life Coaching). She has a 15 year international corporate background having built brands, businesses and managers in Central Europe. As of 2007 she made the choice to dedicate herself exclusively to building people, to assist them to unleash their full potential and joy.
She now owns her coaching practice, Rise and Shine Coaching and works with ambitious individuals who want to excel as professionals, leaders and fulfilled vibrant human beings.


Reborn in Romania:Vacancy- Leaders wanted

02 July 2012

You came here for work, sent by your company or as an entrepreneur; or maybe following your husband or wife; or following nothing more than a hunch without much “long-term substance”? What if Romania was not just not just a stop on the way, but a real milestone in your life, a springboard of opportunities well grabbed - to a life of success, happiness, fulfillment beyond your expectations? Hopefully this section can help provide the inspiration to make just that of your stay in Romania: the land of the best of you. Let us hear topics of interest you’d like to see covered in this section: areas where you feel there is further room to excel, whether it is at work or in your personal life.

By Magda Niculescu 

Quite eventful these recent weeks on the political stage of Romania. The hopes coming with a new government and new local leaders are starting to vanish as a new wave of scandals capture public attention, seriously shaking belief in their capability of delivering better administration.

Wondering at this game of politics, somehow hopelessly, I could not stop think once again that if a country or a town was led on performance principles used in business, we would see much more getting done. If the political executives had a solid vision, SMART objectives, clear tracking systems and commitment to excellent execution, positive results would be guaranteed and the country could only prosper, right?

But wait, the economic (both macro and micro) scene is not that rosy either… bankruptcies, financial scams, unemployment, ecological disasters – it doesn’t look like business leaders are our best model.

While there is a clear skill gap between the political leaders and the business leaders, it seems the business community is not quite qualified to foster a “better world” either.

So what is the missing element? What is it that most political and business leaders lack, which stops them making a significant positive difference to the people they lead?

There are plenty of theories and models of leadership, varying the degree of accent placed on the internal factors (leadership as a function of the personality of the leader) vs. the external (how much a situation determines the type and success of leadership): Great Man Theory, Personality Traits Theory, Cognitive theories, Behavioral theories, Situational and Contingency Theories, Transactional Theory, Transformational theories.

No matter how brilliant and sophisticated the models, there does not seem to be a clear answer and or universal truth to the question what essential criteria makes a person more inclined to be a great leader?

The answer eludes us, but it is in front of our eyes, it is the elephant in the room.

I believe that not enough academic, political and business leaders have had the clarity and the courage to name it and steward it vigorously.

John Maxwell, the number one leadership guru calls this keystone of leadership 'Character.' I call it simply being a great person – better even: a person of greatness! Another familiar concept is that of spiritual quotient (SQ).

A person of greatness is defined by having a higher purpose than self, high standards and moral values. Great leaders have an overarching sense of service and high virtues – my pick: honor, truth, courage, excellence, responsibility, justice, humility, generosity and love.

A high spiritual quotient will also maximize the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) potential (passion, motivation, self-confidence, maturity, tact, social intelligence, resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience, discipline) and will more likely result in lasting meaningful impact, no matter which area of life (eg: family, work) or field of activity (eg: politics, business). Conversely, no matter how astute intellectually or socially, few leaders last and few have a real positive impact on people.

The aforementioned leadership theories abound in teaching thinking patterns, personal styles and social interaction strategies (putting to work the IQ and EQ), but few pose the question of a moral compass that shows the north (SQ). The corresponding leadership concept emerging is that of servant leadership that aims to equip leaders first with a moral compass. As a leadership theory its fundament relies, simply, on a set of values.

Now, looking again at our political and business leaders – how many of them inspire you as persons of greatness?

I rest my case.

By Magda Niculescu, Guest Writer 

Magda Niculescu is a Transformative Coach, equally versatile with corporate clients (Executive Coaching) as well as private clients (Life Coaching). She has a 15 year international corporate background having built brands, businesses and managers in Central Europe. As of 2007 she made the choice to dedicate herself exclusively to building people, to assist them to unleash their full potential and joy.
She now owns her coaching practice, Rise and Shine Coaching and works with ambitious individuals who want to excel as professionals, leaders and fulfilled vibrant human beings.




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