Romanian medical services provider Regina Maria keeps investing at a rate of EUR 20 mln per year

Private Romanian medical services provider Regina Maria, owned by investment fund Mid Europa Partners, will invest some EUR 20 mln this year - in line with last year's performance - with the first takeover already announced.
The group took over the medical imagery centre Centrul Medical Bucovina (pictured) in Suceava and will invest EUR 1.5 mln to upgrade it.
"We will keep investing in 2022 to expand the network, as well as the digital tools - telemedicine and teleradiology - that help us provide access to quality medical services to patients in areas with a shortage of doctors," said Fady Chreih, CEO of the Regina Maria health network.
Bucovina Medical Center, which opened in 2011, currently has two offices in Suceava and covers 20 medical specialities with its 80 medical staff. The centre had a turnover of EUR 2.5 mln last year.
Regina Maria expects to increase its revenues to over EUR 300 million this year (from EUR 237 million in 2020).
(Photo source: the company)