Romania freezes accounts of three Aeroflot officials

21 March 2022

The accounts held at Raiffeisen Bank by the management of Aeroflot - Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov - were frozen, the tax collection agency ANAF announced, according to

Romanian prime minister Nicolae Ciuca recently announced that the Romanian authorities have identified three companies and two individuals from Russia who are financially supporting the Kremlin and that ANAF is going to impose sanctions.

Aeroflot - Reprezentanta, as a legal person registered in Romania, is the representation in Romania for the company Aeroflot PJSC Russia, a company where the Russian Government owns 57.34%.

The management of Aeroflot PJSC Russia includes three people subject to international sanctions, Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, chairman of the board, Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov, chairman of the board, and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov, a member of the board of directors.

"Blocking the funds held by the entity Aeroflot - Reprezentanta (CUI 6320110), indirectly controlled by listed individuals Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, Igorevich Poluboyarinov and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov is ordered," reads the decision published in the Official Gazette by the Romanian tax collection agency ANAF.

The Treasury also blocked three Aeroflot accounts.

(Photo: Artyomanikeev |


Romania freezes accounts of three Aeroflot officials

21 March 2022

The accounts held at Raiffeisen Bank by the management of Aeroflot - Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov - were frozen, the tax collection agency ANAF announced, according to

Romanian prime minister Nicolae Ciuca recently announced that the Romanian authorities have identified three companies and two individuals from Russia who are financially supporting the Kremlin and that ANAF is going to impose sanctions.

Aeroflot - Reprezentanta, as a legal person registered in Romania, is the representation in Romania for the company Aeroflot PJSC Russia, a company where the Russian Government owns 57.34%.

The management of Aeroflot PJSC Russia includes three people subject to international sanctions, Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, chairman of the board, Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov, chairman of the board, and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov, a member of the board of directors.

"Blocking the funds held by the entity Aeroflot - Reprezentanta (CUI 6320110), indirectly controlled by listed individuals Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev, Igorevich Poluboyarinov and Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov is ordered," reads the decision published in the Official Gazette by the Romanian tax collection agency ANAF.

The Treasury also blocked three Aeroflot accounts.

(Photo: Artyomanikeev |




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