Active Romanian population keeps leaving the country

06 September 2021

According to data from the statistics office INS, about 193,000 Romanians emigrated in 2020 from Romania, 37,000 fewer than in the previous year. However, 60% of them, namely almost 112,000, are people aged between 20 and 45, the age range in which the population is economically active and founding families, Ziarul Financiar reported.

Not surprisingly, 2021 is the first year when more Romanian babies were born abroad than in the country, according to recent statements by labor minister Raluca Turcan.

“If we do not build a country for all Romanians, we will end up with a country from which all honest people outside narrow circles of interests will leave. This is the stake or objective that any political force and any politician who reaches a position in the Romanian state must take into account,” according to the no-confidence motion drafted by the reformist USR-PLUS against prime minister Florin Citu.

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Active Romanian population keeps leaving the country

06 September 2021

According to data from the statistics office INS, about 193,000 Romanians emigrated in 2020 from Romania, 37,000 fewer than in the previous year. However, 60% of them, namely almost 112,000, are people aged between 20 and 45, the age range in which the population is economically active and founding families, Ziarul Financiar reported.

Not surprisingly, 2021 is the first year when more Romanian babies were born abroad than in the country, according to recent statements by labor minister Raluca Turcan.

“If we do not build a country for all Romanians, we will end up with a country from which all honest people outside narrow circles of interests will leave. This is the stake or objective that any political force and any politician who reaches a position in the Romanian state must take into account,” according to the no-confidence motion drafted by the reformist USR-PLUS against prime minister Florin Citu.

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