Romania wins 2019 European Cyber Security Challenge competition

Romania has won this year’s edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge, the yearly event bringing together young talent from across Europe to compete in the area of cybersecurity.
This year, the event was held in Bucharest, at the Parliament Palace, between October 9 and October 11.
The Romanian team was made up of Robert Vulpe (captain), Robert Dobre, Dragos Albastroiu, Ioan Dragomir, Mihai Dancaescu, Cristian Done, Matei Badanoiu, Alexandru Top, Tudor Moga and Mihai Cioata. They were trained by cybersecurity expert Ioan Constantin, from Orange Romania, reported.
Italy ranked second, while Austria’s team came out third. They were followed by Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, France, Estonia, Denmark, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Norway, Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Cyprus, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.
As part of the competition, the finalist teams had to adapt to a scenario that entailed the development and defense of an infrastructure. The tests covered areas such as web security, cryptography, reverse engineering and investigations, programming, attack and defense, Linux/windows/macOS security, and mobile phone security.
The European Cyber Security Challenge is an initiative by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and aims at enhancing cybersecurity talent across Europe and connecting high potentials with industry leading organizations. European countries host their national cybersecurity competitions and the winners of the national contests represent their countries in the ECSC.
(Photo: Campionatul European de Securitate Cibernetică Facebook Page)