Romania’s energy market regulator ANRE to launch gas and energy price comparison app

Romania's energy market regulator ANRE announced on Thursday, December 13, that an app allowing users to compare gas and energy prices would be launched at the beginning of next year, local Mediafax reported.
The app will be available for both Android and iOS mobile devices.
Last year, ANRE has developed two tools the end consumers can use to compare the offers of electricity and natural gas suppliers in Romania. They are available on ANRE’s website.
A report of the energy market regulator for 2017 showed that almost 82,000 users accessed the tool allowing them to compare electivity offers between June 1 and December 31, 2017, while the tool comparing gas offers was accessed by 21,345 users.
A Price Monitor was also launched in Romania in the fall of 2016. This tool displays the retailers’ prices for various products, thus allowing consumers to compare them and identify the stores with the lowest prices. In the spring of 2017, the Competition Council also announced its plan to introduce a similar tool for comparing fuel prices.
Irina Marica,
(photo source: Shutterstock)