Romania gets ready to award contract for EUR 83 mln communication network to cover remote villages

Romania will soon select, via bid, the company that will build a national communication network in the country's under-privileged areas.
The project, worth some EUR 83 million and funded by EU money, includes assigning design and construction work for the new network, as well as leasing the right to operate the network so as to supply communication services in under-developed villages in 35 counties across Romania.
The announcement was posted in the public bids portal
The Romanian Ministry of Information lists over 6,500 villages in Romania that will benefit from the new communication network. These villages are located in the so-called white areas, yet uncovered by communication networks.
The project is called RO-NET and the winner of the bid will be given the lease for the network over 18 months. It will have the option to buy it at the end.
Companies Business Consulting and European Funds Invest will provide project management services for 40 months, based on a contract signed in 2012 and worth some EUR 250,000.
The feasibility study for this project was done by Confero Finance and Cognos Bussines Consulting, within a EUR 500,000 contract.