Travel restrictions: Romania adds 22 more countries to the “green list”, including the UK, Spain and Belgium

07 July 2020

Travel restrictions: Romania adds 22 more countries to the “green list”, including the UK, Spain and Belgium

07 July 2020

The Romanian authorities have updated the "green list" of countries for which travel restrictions due to COVID-19 don't apply anymore, adding 22 more countries to this list, reported.

Travelers arriving in Romania from these countries are no longer recommended to stay under quarantine or home isolation for 14 days.

Flights to and from the countries on the "green list" will also resume starting Tuesday, July 7, the Strategic Communication Group announced.

At present, the list of member countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area for which the isolation/quarantine measures are no longer recommended includes 32 states. Among them, the UK, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Spain. The full list is available here.

In addition, home isolation is also not recommended for people coming from Canada, Morocco, Algeria, Australia, Rwanda, Uruguay, Japan, South Korea, Georgia, New Zealand, Tunisia, and Thailand.

Meanwhile, the number of states limiting Romanian citizens' access to their territories has increased, as the number of coronavirus cases reported in Romania remained high. There are at least ten countries that either do not receive Romanian tourists at all, keeping their borders closed for the time being, or they put some conditions. Some require Romanians to stay in quarantine or isolation for 14 days, Digi24 reported.

The harshest measures have been taken by Norway, Finland, and Malta, while Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland, Slovenia, and Slovakia are asking Romanians to stay in isolation or quarantine. Also, Romania was not included on the British government's list of low-risk countries.

(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/

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