Romania hopes for place in the Guinness Book of Records with the world's fastest written novel
Romania is likely to hold yet another worldwide record, after a group of 53 Romanian writers managed to write a novel in five hours and 35 minutes at the University of Bucharest last weekend. The novel needs to be validated and recorded by the Guinness Book as the “world’s fastest written novel”.
The novel is called “Mos Craciun & Co. Cel mai rapid roman din lume” (translated as Santa Claus & Co. World’s fastest written novel). The four main narrators, the writers Gabriel H. Decuble, Florin Iaru, Razvan Tupa and Marius Chivu, started writing at 10:20, establishing together the plan and the title of the novel. After nine hours, 5 minutes and 8 seconds, the first issue of the novel was already printed. The writers considered the project as “a gift to Romanian society”. The project was created by the Cultural Association Aedificatio and the ART publishing house, together with Links Associates.
Art Publishing, which will publish the 288-page novel that includes the collective effort of 53 authors, will enroll this project at the Guinness Book of Records to be validated and approved as a record, which should take place in Christmas Eve. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records said the project was eligible and a special category has been created for it.
On Tuesday (December 18 ), the novel will be available in bookstores and on Wednesdays, starting at 18.30, it will be released in the presence of all authors, at the Bastilia Bookshop in Bucharest.
Ioana Toader,