What I love about Romania - Satoshi Ishigro (Japan): Romania is one of the best countries for road trips

20 March 2021

We're inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Satoshi Ishigro from Japan has decided to join our campaign and fill in the questionnaire here. Here's what he loves about Romania (and more):

Satoshi Ishigro heard about Romania from Romanian friends and got to discover more of the country after visiting it. And he would like to travel here again in the future.

"Although I did not visit many areas, I think it is a country with beautiful nature and fascinating traditional culture," Satoshi Ishigro said. He also sees Romania as "one of the best countries for road trips," and has added the famous mountain road Transfăgărăşan to his travel list.

What is your name and what is your nationality? 

Satoshi Ishigro, Japan.

Share your story with us, briefly, so we understand your relationship with Romania.  

When I used to work for a Japanese car manufacturer, one of my colleagues was Romanian, and he showed me around Romania. 

Would you recommend Romania as a country to live in or to visit? Kindly explain your answer. 

Although I did not visit many areas, I think it is a country with beautiful nature and fascinating traditional culture. I would definitely like to visit again and again in the future. 

What are some of the misconceptions you most often hear about Romania and how do you feel about them? 

In Japan, Eastern Europe, including Romania, has a dark image of old communist and dictatorial countries. 

I had heard about actual Romania from my Romanian friends, and by actually visiting the country, I realized that it is a country with a much stronger traditional culture than its social history. 

What is the most powerful feeling that Romania brings to you and why? 

It's a bold food culture. In my life, I had never expected to see big chunks of meat and huge cheeses in daily supermarkets. 

Please tell us the three things you like the most about Romania. 




If you had to advertise for Romania as a country, what would be the top things you would mention to promote it? 

It's one of the best countries for road trips. 

What could make Romania the perfect country for you (what's missing)? 

As a traveler, it would be nice if English was better understood in rural areas. 

The other thing I would like to see is a rental car lineup (options). 

What are your favorite places in Romania and why? 

Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu. 

I haven't been there yet, but I really want to visit Transfăgărăşan. 

What is your favorite Romanian food? 

Sarmale (e.n. a mixture of rice and minced meat rolled in cabbage leaves, usually served with polenta, hot pepper, and sour cream). 

What do you like about Romanian culture, history, customs? Please give us some examples.  

Weddings that are held and danced to throughout the night. 

A culture that loves to sing and dance. 

What are the Romanian words/phrases a non-Romanian speaker should know, in your opinion? 

“Mare si frumoasa.” (e.n. Big or sea and beautiful).


(Photo source: courtesy of Satoshi Ishigro)


What I love about Romania - Satoshi Ishigro (Japan): Romania is one of the best countries for road trips

20 March 2021

We're inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Satoshi Ishigro from Japan has decided to join our campaign and fill in the questionnaire here. Here's what he loves about Romania (and more):

Satoshi Ishigro heard about Romania from Romanian friends and got to discover more of the country after visiting it. And he would like to travel here again in the future.

"Although I did not visit many areas, I think it is a country with beautiful nature and fascinating traditional culture," Satoshi Ishigro said. He also sees Romania as "one of the best countries for road trips," and has added the famous mountain road Transfăgărăşan to his travel list.

What is your name and what is your nationality? 

Satoshi Ishigro, Japan.

Share your story with us, briefly, so we understand your relationship with Romania.  

When I used to work for a Japanese car manufacturer, one of my colleagues was Romanian, and he showed me around Romania. 

Would you recommend Romania as a country to live in or to visit? Kindly explain your answer. 

Although I did not visit many areas, I think it is a country with beautiful nature and fascinating traditional culture. I would definitely like to visit again and again in the future. 

What are some of the misconceptions you most often hear about Romania and how do you feel about them? 

In Japan, Eastern Europe, including Romania, has a dark image of old communist and dictatorial countries. 

I had heard about actual Romania from my Romanian friends, and by actually visiting the country, I realized that it is a country with a much stronger traditional culture than its social history. 

What is the most powerful feeling that Romania brings to you and why? 

It's a bold food culture. In my life, I had never expected to see big chunks of meat and huge cheeses in daily supermarkets. 

Please tell us the three things you like the most about Romania. 




If you had to advertise for Romania as a country, what would be the top things you would mention to promote it? 

It's one of the best countries for road trips. 

What could make Romania the perfect country for you (what's missing)? 

As a traveler, it would be nice if English was better understood in rural areas. 

The other thing I would like to see is a rental car lineup (options). 

What are your favorite places in Romania and why? 

Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu. 

I haven't been there yet, but I really want to visit Transfăgărăşan. 

What is your favorite Romanian food? 

Sarmale (e.n. a mixture of rice and minced meat rolled in cabbage leaves, usually served with polenta, hot pepper, and sour cream). 

What do you like about Romanian culture, history, customs? Please give us some examples.  

Weddings that are held and danced to throughout the night. 

A culture that loves to sing and dance. 

What are the Romanian words/phrases a non-Romanian speaker should know, in your opinion? 

“Mare si frumoasa.” (e.n. Big or sea and beautiful).


(Photo source: courtesy of Satoshi Ishigro)




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