29 April 2024 Interviews #RODigitalAmbassador: The Canadian chef sharing his love of Romanian recipes online Haan Palcu-Chang, a Canadian chef of Taiwanese-Romanian heritage, has amassed almost 100k followers on Instagram with...
07 November 2022 Cluj Napoca Cluj university holds blood donation program The Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca organizes its tenth blood donation campaign, between November 7 and...
Video 01 November 2022 Sports '94 USA FIFA World Cup: Remembering Romania's golden generation As the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is approaching, we look back at Romania's 'golden generation' and their historic ...
06 October 2022 Expat Life A potentially costly faux pas and a chaotic year: My experience as the only foreign student in an all-Romanian class It was early 2020 - a collectively chaotic year for everyone - and I had just spent three years after graduating high ...
16 February 2022 RI + When a foreign country feels like home: A Spaniard’s special connection to Romania Agustin Montero is Spaniard by birth but Romanian at heart. A visit to Romania changed his entire life, as he fell in...
Interview 16 November 2021 RI + Robert Hellwagner, Selgros CEO: After 4 years of living here, I see Romania as my home “After 4 years of living here, I see Romania as my home. I’ve been fortunate to discover many wonderful places, a great...
Video 09 November 2021 RI + Travel YouTubers spend a month in Romania: This country is so rich in great attractions Travel videographers Ernestas and Darina have been visiting destinations from around the world, sharing their adventures...
Interview 19 April 2021 RI + Ufuk Tandoğan, CEO Garanti BBVA Romania: This country has become my second home "Romania and my term here have given me the chance of important career development, but also the opportunity to know the...
08 April 2021 RI Community My Romania Story - Ramona Petrella Cummings (US): My time in Romania changed my whole perspective on life We’re inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Ramona Petrella...
20 March 2021 RI Community What I love about Romania - Satoshi Ishigro (Japan): Romania is one of the best countries for road trips We're inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Satoshi Ishigro...
11 March 2021 RI Community My Romania story: Susanne Peyre (Sweden) - Romania could be a very rich country because of its possibilities and assets We're inviting our readers to share their stories and tell the world what they love about Romania. Susanne Peyre joi...
08 March 2021 Interviews Expat in Romania: Tayfun Öneş (Turkey) - Here the people are more relaxed and more on the joy side of life We're inviting our readers to share their stories and tell the world what they love about Romania. Tayfun Öneş...
Video 01 November 2022 Sports '94 USA FIFA World Cup: Remembering Romania's golden generation As the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is approaching, we look back at Romania's 'golden generation' and their historic ...
06 October 2022 Expat Life A potentially costly faux pas and a chaotic year: My experience as the only foreign student in an all-Romanian class It was early 2020 - a collectively chaotic year for everyone - and I had just spent three years after graduating high ...
16 February 2022 RI + When a foreign country feels like home: A Spaniard’s special connection to Romania Agustin Montero is Spaniard by birth but Romanian at heart. A visit to Romania changed his entire life, as he fell in...
Interview 16 November 2021 RI + Robert Hellwagner, Selgros CEO: After 4 years of living here, I see Romania as my home “After 4 years of living here, I see Romania as my home. I’ve been fortunate to discover many wonderful places, a great...
Video 09 November 2021 RI + Travel YouTubers spend a month in Romania: This country is so rich in great attractions Travel videographers Ernestas and Darina have been visiting destinations from around the world, sharing their adventures...
Interview 19 April 2021 RI + Ufuk Tandoğan, CEO Garanti BBVA Romania: This country has become my second home "Romania and my term here have given me the chance of important career development, but also the opportunity to know the...
08 April 2021 RI Community My Romania Story - Ramona Petrella Cummings (US): My time in Romania changed my whole perspective on life We’re inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Ramona Petrella...
20 March 2021 RI Community What I love about Romania - Satoshi Ishigro (Japan): Romania is one of the best countries for road trips We're inviting our readers to share their stories with us and tell the world what Romania means to them. Satoshi Ishigro...
11 March 2021 RI Community My Romania story: Susanne Peyre (Sweden) - Romania could be a very rich country because of its possibilities and assets We're inviting our readers to share their stories and tell the world what they love about Romania. Susanne Peyre joi...
08 March 2021 Interviews Expat in Romania: Tayfun Öneş (Turkey) - Here the people are more relaxed and more on the joy side of life We're inviting our readers to share their stories and tell the world what they love about Romania. Tayfun Öneş...