Romania lags dramatically among EU states in terms of candle production

04 November 2019

Romania’s candle production, estimated at EUR 0.8 million in 2018, accounted for only 0.05% of the combined EUR 1.64 billion output of the 28 member states (11% bigger than in 2017), according to Eurostat data quoted by Ziarul Financiar.

Romania’s candle output is the weakest among the 28 member states, with Bulgaria boasting an output four times bigger for a population less than half that of Romania.

Romania’s candle exports accounted for a negligible EUR 12,000 while the imports neared EUR 1 mln - surpassing the domestic production.

Poland alone accounts for nearly 38% of the entire EU’s candle production (EUR 619 mln) surpassing by far the second and third largest producers (France and Italy) that account for some 10% each.

Romania’s weak reported candle production is associated by Adevarul daily with the monopolistic policies pursued by the Orthodox Church, which frequently warns the believers of the doubtful effect of using candles delivered by the retail - as opposed to using candles typically manufactured by the Church in own local facilities.

But the Orthodox Church is not paying taxes, therefore it carries no evidence of the number of candles sold, which raises serious doubts on the quality of the data collected by Eurostat in the case of Romania and few other Orthodox countries.

(Photo: Pixabay)


Romania lags dramatically among EU states in terms of candle production

04 November 2019

Romania’s candle production, estimated at EUR 0.8 million in 2018, accounted for only 0.05% of the combined EUR 1.64 billion output of the 28 member states (11% bigger than in 2017), according to Eurostat data quoted by Ziarul Financiar.

Romania’s candle output is the weakest among the 28 member states, with Bulgaria boasting an output four times bigger for a population less than half that of Romania.

Romania’s candle exports accounted for a negligible EUR 12,000 while the imports neared EUR 1 mln - surpassing the domestic production.

Poland alone accounts for nearly 38% of the entire EU’s candle production (EUR 619 mln) surpassing by far the second and third largest producers (France and Italy) that account for some 10% each.

Romania’s weak reported candle production is associated by Adevarul daily with the monopolistic policies pursued by the Orthodox Church, which frequently warns the believers of the doubtful effect of using candles delivered by the retail - as opposed to using candles typically manufactured by the Church in own local facilities.

But the Orthodox Church is not paying taxes, therefore it carries no evidence of the number of candles sold, which raises serious doubts on the quality of the data collected by Eurostat in the case of Romania and few other Orthodox countries.

(Photo: Pixabay)




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