Romania objects to Austria alleged discriminatory child benefits regime

Romania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) objected, in a note published on its website, against the alleged discriminatory regime enforced by Austria in the case of the child benefits paid for the non-resident children.
Under the new regime enforced as of January 2019, the benefits are adjusted for the cost of living in the children's country of residence.
Romania ranks as the fourth-largest recipient of children benefits paid by Austria to foreign nationals, with 14,213 children living in Romania with parents working in Austria in 2016 according to
This provision breaches the fundamental principles and the legislation of the European Union, MAE argues. At the same time, the social security contributions paid by the parents working in Austria are levied at the same level.
Romania firmly supports the fundamental freedom of movement within the European Union and the equal access of the European workers to the social benefits linked to the work performed. Romanian citizens working in Austria pay the same taxes as the citizens of this state and should enjoy equal treatment with them from the perspective of social benefits and other rights, MAE stated.
The Romanian authorities will continue their work with the European Commission to settle the discriminatory regime in Austria and will use all available instruments, according to EU legislation, MAE added.
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