Romanian cattle breeders association opens EUR 0.5 mln milk factory

06 April 2015

Romanian cattle breeders association opens EUR 0.5 mln milk factory

06 April 2015

Over 100 cattle breeders from Frumoasa, a village in central Romania, have founded a milk factory, which was inaugurated last week.

The investment, some EUR 450,000, was made with local community financial contribution. The 107 cattle breeders started the project in 2011.

Problems generated by the milk quota removal can be solved only through the association of local farmers and construction of mini-factories, said Ferencz Tibor, the mayor of Frumoasa, cited by local Mediafax.

The EU removed the milk quota on April 1, which means that European producers can sell how much they want, all over the EU, including in the Romanian market. This will likely affect small farmers in Romania who can’t afford to sell milk as cheap as European competitors.

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