Romanian farmers submit projects worth EUR 330 mln for EU funding
Romania’s Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR) received about 740 applications for EU funds dedicated to agricultural projects in the last three months.
The value of the projects exceeded EUR 330 million, which is more than double the available sum for this phase, namely EUR 150 million, according to a press release of AFIR.
The money will be granted through the National Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020. The session for receiving projects was concluded before the deadline because the ceiling of 200%, respectively EUR 300 million, had been exceeded earlier.
The EU financing for investment projects in agriculture is non-reimbursable. The National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 has a total budget of EUR 9.85 billion. Of the total amount, some EUR 8 billion represent EU funds whereas the rest comes from the national budget.