Romanian fined after falsely alerting authorities about possible plane crash

14 July 2017

A 60-year-old man from Iasi county called the emergency number 112 on Thursday evening, July 13, announcing that he saw “a plane at low height, noise, and light.”

The authorities reacted immediately, sending several medical and rescue teams in the area. However, after several hours of searches, they decided to stop the so-called rescue mission, as they didn’t find anything.

The Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) and representatives of Iasi Airport also told Iasi Emergency Inspectorate that they have no information on the disappearance of an aircraft from the radar, reports local Agerpres.

Thus, following this false alert, the man received a fine of RON 1,000 (EUR 220).

Irina Marica,


Romanian fined after falsely alerting authorities about possible plane crash

14 July 2017

A 60-year-old man from Iasi county called the emergency number 112 on Thursday evening, July 13, announcing that he saw “a plane at low height, noise, and light.”

The authorities reacted immediately, sending several medical and rescue teams in the area. However, after several hours of searches, they decided to stop the so-called rescue mission, as they didn’t find anything.

The Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) and representatives of Iasi Airport also told Iasi Emergency Inspectorate that they have no information on the disappearance of an aircraft from the radar, reports local Agerpres.

Thus, following this false alert, the man received a fine of RON 1,000 (EUR 220).

Irina Marica,




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