Romanian high schools gear up for earthquake preparedness

After several average-intensity earthquakes occurred in Romania in the past few weeks, high schools in the country have taken preventative actions.
Students from the "George Barițiu" National College in Cluj-Napoca used video materials to learn about what to do in the case of an earthquake.
Speaking to local publication, school director Prof. Dr Alina Bărăian said students had welcomed the videos.
"We showed the children these video materials with reactions in the event of an earthquake. We already had drills for emergencies, including in case of an earthquake. The reactions are very good, and the children are very receptive," she continued.
The students were joined by their parents, the school's managers and the teaching staff to practice emergency drills.
In Bucharest, the ShakeUp earthquake preparedness project will arrive in 30 schools between February 27 and April 27.
Fifteen trainers were trained by earthquake specialists/engineers to support the seismic education courses.
They will hold interactive courses for 5,000 high school students from the capital to inform young people about what to expect during a strong earthquake, how to prepare, and the recommended behavior immediately after an earthquake.
The National College "Sfântul Sava" in Sector 1 was the first school to be tested, and at least 150 students from the 9th and 11th grades took part.
(Photo: The "George Barițiu" National College in Cluj-Napoca/Facebook)