Romanian language lesson of the week: The adjectives (adjectivele)

03 February 2011

Let's learn some usual adjectives in Romanian.

The letter “ă” expresses the feminine form of the adjective.


Adjective (Adjectives)

dinamic, -ă (engl. dynamic)

harnic, -ă (engl. hardworking)

punctual, -ă (engl. punctual)

inteligent, -ă (engl. intelligent)

interesat, -ă (engl. interested)

dificil, -ă (engl. difficult)

interesant, -ă (engl. interesting)

liber, -ă (engl. free)

disponibil, -ă (engl. available)

bun, -ă (engl. good)

amabil , -ă (engl. kind)

tânăr, -ă (engl. young)

Culori (Colors)

alb, -ă (engl. white)

negru, neagră (engl. black)

albastru, -ă (engl. blue)

verde, verde (engl. green)

galben, -ă (engl. yellow)

roșu, roșie (engl. red)

roz, roz (engl. pink)

maro, maro (engl. brown)

gri, gri (engl. gray)

portocaliu, portocalie (engl. orange)

violet, violet (engl. violet)

As you have noticed, some of the colors name have the same form in the feminine and in the masculine (e.g. roz, roz) and some of them have a different form (e.g. roșu – roșie). The ending “ă” in the feminine form is available only for a few color names.


Translate the following phrases:

red dress, Black Sea, yellow flower, blue sky, white board.


Romanian language lesson of the week: The adjectives (adjectivele)

03 February 2011

Let's learn some usual adjectives in Romanian.

The letter “ă” expresses the feminine form of the adjective.


Adjective (Adjectives)

dinamic, -ă (engl. dynamic)

harnic, -ă (engl. hardworking)

punctual, -ă (engl. punctual)

inteligent, -ă (engl. intelligent)

interesat, -ă (engl. interested)

dificil, -ă (engl. difficult)

interesant, -ă (engl. interesting)

liber, -ă (engl. free)

disponibil, -ă (engl. available)

bun, -ă (engl. good)

amabil , -ă (engl. kind)

tânăr, -ă (engl. young)

Culori (Colors)

alb, -ă (engl. white)

negru, neagră (engl. black)

albastru, -ă (engl. blue)

verde, verde (engl. green)

galben, -ă (engl. yellow)

roșu, roșie (engl. red)

roz, roz (engl. pink)

maro, maro (engl. brown)

gri, gri (engl. gray)

portocaliu, portocalie (engl. orange)

violet, violet (engl. violet)

As you have noticed, some of the colors name have the same form in the feminine and in the masculine (e.g. roz, roz) and some of them have a different form (e.g. roșu – roșie). The ending “ă” in the feminine form is available only for a few color names.


Translate the following phrases:

red dress, Black Sea, yellow flower, blue sky, white board.


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