Saying ‘I love you’ in Romanian: Romantic phrases for Valentine’s Day (or any other day)

Valentine’s Day is that time of the year when love is in the air. But sometimes, it can be a bit tricky to find the best ways and words to express your feelings for someone. So why not surprise that special person by saying ‘I love you’ in Romanian? Find below a list of Romanian love phrases to use this Valentine’s Day (or any other day):
Probably the most common phrase to express those strong feelings of love is Te iubesc! - I love you! But sometimes, the Romanians add extra words to this phrase to make it even more powerful. Here are some examples:
Te iubesc din toată inima - I love you with all my heart
Te iubesc din tot sufletul - I love you with all my soul
Te iubesc la nebunie - I love you like crazy
Te iubesc mult de tot - I love you so much
If you are madly in love with someone and ‘te iubesc’ just doesn’t seem like the perfect phrase, then you can use Te ador - I adore you instead. And you can start your declaration of love with Dragostea mea - My love.
An expression the Romanians use to show their appreciation for some (or even more than that) is Îmi place de tine - I like you. But if the feelings of love got stronger and you fell in love with someone, then you should probably say M-am îndrăgostit de tine - I fell in love with you.
Other romantic phrases to use this Valentine’s Day:
Tu ești sufletul meu pereche - You are my soulmate
Tu ești jumatatea mea - You are my half
Ești parte din mine - You are a part of me
Mi-ai furat inima - You stole my heart
Mă faci fericit/fericită - You make me happy (fericit is the masculine form while fericită is the feminine form)
Ești frumos/frumoasă - You are beautiful (frumos is the masculine form while frumoasă is the feminine form)
Here are some phrases to use if that special person is not close to you:
Mi-e dor de tine - I miss you
Mă gândesc tot timpul la tine - I’m thinking about you all the time
Aș vrea să fii lângă mine - Wish you were here
Când pot să te mai vad? - When can I see you again?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
(Photo source: Vesasebastian/