Romanian movies you should not miss – second part

Romanian cinema has started to become well known abroad after numerous movies directed by Romanians and produced locally received awards at international film festivals. continues its series presenting must-see Romanian movies released after the fall of communism. This week we are looking at five more recent Romanian movies you should not miss. (watch trailers below)
The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu
directed by Andrei Ujica, 2010
documentary about communist ruling couple Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu
movie preview on October 28, 18,00 hours, at Sala Palatului; tickets cost RON 5 and can be bought from Eminescu bookshop, Victoria store, Muzica store.
The movie will be on at the Hollywood Multiplex , AFI Cotroceni, Cinema Studio and the New Cinema of the Romanian Director from October 29.
The documentary is part of a trilogy on communism, which also features 'Videograms from a revolution', created by Andrei Ujica and Harun Farucki in 1992 and 'Out of the present' from 1995.