Romanian president to pay an official visit to Budapest

25 September 2023

Romania's president Klaus Iohannis will visit Hungary in two weeks, according to sources familiar with the matter consulted by

He would thus respond to the invitation extended by his counterpart from Budapest, Katalin Novák, who was on an official visit to Bucharest last year in September.

Romanian authorities have constantly expressed irritation with the investments carried out by Hungary in the regions populated by Hungarian ethnics, allegedly aimed at facilitating the nationalist and revisionist rhetoric of the Hungarian regime of prime minister Viktor Orban.

The latest unofficial visit of PM Orban to Romania, at a summit of Hungarian ethnics at Balvanyos, also prompted criticism from Romanian authorities. At that time, Orban complained about Romanian authorities specifically warning him not to use revisionist terms such as the Szeklersland.

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Romanian president to pay an official visit to Budapest

25 September 2023

Romania's president Klaus Iohannis will visit Hungary in two weeks, according to sources familiar with the matter consulted by

He would thus respond to the invitation extended by his counterpart from Budapest, Katalin Novák, who was on an official visit to Bucharest last year in September.

Romanian authorities have constantly expressed irritation with the investments carried out by Hungary in the regions populated by Hungarian ethnics, allegedly aimed at facilitating the nationalist and revisionist rhetoric of the Hungarian regime of prime minister Viktor Orban.

The latest unofficial visit of PM Orban to Romania, at a summit of Hungarian ethnics at Balvanyos, also prompted criticism from Romanian authorities. At that time, Orban complained about Romanian authorities specifically warning him not to use revisionist terms such as the Szeklersland.

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