Romanian singer Mihai Constantinescu dies after five-month coma

Romanian singer Mihai Constantinescu died on Tuesday evening, October 29, at the age of 73. The artist had been in a coma at the Floreasca Emergency Hospital in Bucharest since May after he suffered a heart attack. On Tuesday, he suffered another heart attack and couldn’t be resuscitated. He suffered from severe heart conditions and had two heart surgeries in 2008 and 2017, according to Mediafax.
Mihai Constantinescu was one of the best-known Romanian traditional pop singers and composers. Born on January 4, 1946, he graduated from the Sports Institute in Bucharest after completing the Popular Art School.
He was a member of the local bands Mondial and Modern and also had a solo career. Some of his best-known songs include Love the stray dogs (Iubiti si cainii vagabonzi) and It’s a wonderful world (E o lume minunata). He also had several successful songs together with Moldavian singer Anastasia Lazariuc.
(Photo source: Agerpres Foto)