Romanian song: Esti piesa by Liviu Teodorescu
Liviu Teodorescu has his debut at the Romanian singing competition The Voice, and he just went solo after being part of an all-teenager band called LaLa Band for a while.
This song Esti piesa was launched in December last year, the video is new and has been on heavy rotation on Romanian music televisions. The song's name has a double meaning - one is based on its lyrics, and can be translated as You're a song, and the other is more in the area of slang, with piesa being a word used to describe a beautiful woman.
The song was composed by famous Romanian composer Marius Moga, who was Liviu's coach at the Voice.
We like the song's simplicity, that it is in Romanian and that it is catchy, it will probably be among the hits of this year in Romania. This is a love song, it praises the woman without using grand words, so probably a good timing for February 14 and for the beginning of March – Women's Day.
At times, the sound can be too predictable and repetitive, but all in all, it makes for a few good listening sessions.
The song's video is below, and so are its lyrics in Romanian if you want to practice.
Tu nu eşti frumoasă/ Frumos e un adjectiv creat pentru tineNu eşti prefăcută /Din contră făcută special pentru mine
Special pentru mine
Nici nu eşti complicată/ Atât de simplă încât nu-ţi dau de cap
Şi nu eşti fermecată/ Dar faci minuni doar cu atingerea ta
Doar cu atingerea ta
Eşti ca o piesă la radio Pe care o ascult doar o dată
Şi apoi o s-o fredonez non-stop/ Pentru că n-o mai uit niciodată
Şi nu eşti doar femeie/ Tu eşti lumina care cade pe flori
Tu nu eşti doar o idee/ Eşti singurul gând ce-mi trezeşte fiori
Singurul gând ce-mi trezeşte fiori
Eşti ca o piesă la radio/ Pe care o ascult doar o dată
Şi apoi o s-o fredonez non-stop/ Pentru că n-o mai uit niciodată
Eşti ca o piesă la radio/ Pe care o ascult doar o dată
Şi apoi o s-o fredonez non-stop /Pentru că n-o mai uit niciodată