Romanian students win top award at food innovation competition in France

Whoopie Ice, an ice cream developed by a Romanian team, has received the Ecotrophelia Europe d’Or award at this year’s Ecotrophelia competition, which recognizes innovative food products. The award amounts to EUR 5,000.
The Romanian team includes students Alina Marina Chirilă, Ana Georgiana Popa, and Adelina Trif, and professor Daniela Borda. They are affiliated with the Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, in eastern Romania.
The ice cream they came up with is made up of concentrated whey, cream and local fruits.
The winners of the gold, silver and bronze awards also receive EUR 2,500 support from Sopexa, a marketing and communication agency working in the food sector, as coaching for developing their project.
The Ecotrophelia Europe competition is organized by the European Technology Platform “Food For Life”, the French food industry association ANIA and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vaucluse.
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(Photo: Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Facebook Page)