Romanians come up with bio sausage with sea buckthorn groats

Four professors working for the Dunărea de Jos University in Galaţi, in eastern Romania, have come up with a bio thick rosy sausage, after removing potentially health-harmful additives. The product, which is made with pork meat, has the same taste of the thick rosy sausage but the additives have been replaced with buckthorn groats.
The product was designed at a pilot station of the Food Engineering Faculty of the Galaţi University. It took a year to develop. After the first lab tests, the researchers found the sea buckthorn groats, derived after extracting the oil from the fruits, to be rich in proteins and fiber. The bio thick rosy sausage is now undergoing the needed steps for a patent.
The four researchers are Liliana Mihalcea, Maricica Stoica, Cristian Dima and Petru Alexe.
“We have been trying for 40 years to come up with a solution to reducing or eliminating sodium nitrate,” Petre Alexe, the dean of the Food Engineering Faculty, explained.
The product has a validity term of at most 28 days and can be manufactured by any meat processing plant. No new equipment is required for it as its production follows the classic flow but uses different ingredients. Producers will be introduced to the new product at the end of April, in Braşov.
The thick rosy sausage with buckthorn groats was awarded the gold medal and a special jury prize at the International Research Saloon held this year in Cluj-Napoca, in western Romania.
(Photo: Facultatea de Stiinta si Ingineria Alimentelor Facebook Page)