Three in four Romanians say the country is moving in the wrong direction

05 January 2023

Some 76% of the Romanians polled by IRES during December 7-12 believe that their country is moving in the wrong direction, and 57% say that 2022 was a worse year for them compared to 2021.

“Even if, apparently, we see a slightly more moderate pessimism compared to the beginning of the year, the data from this study show that optimism is not the best characteristic of Romanians this year [2022],” the polling agency says.

The politicians’ confidence ratings dropped below that of central bank governor Mugur Isarescu, who slipped below 40% (to 39%) as well. Thus, the most trusted politicians are President Klaus Iohannis (trusted by 21% of the Romanians) and Social Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu (20%). Prime minister and Liberal leader Nicolae Ciuca come close (19%).

However, when it comes to politicians in general, only 6% of Romanians trust them. Notably, only 47% of Romanians trust the judges, less than half the score received by firefighters (91%).

(Photo source:


Three in four Romanians say the country is moving in the wrong direction

05 January 2023

Some 76% of the Romanians polled by IRES during December 7-12 believe that their country is moving in the wrong direction, and 57% say that 2022 was a worse year for them compared to 2021.

“Even if, apparently, we see a slightly more moderate pessimism compared to the beginning of the year, the data from this study show that optimism is not the best characteristic of Romanians this year [2022],” the polling agency says.

The politicians’ confidence ratings dropped below that of central bank governor Mugur Isarescu, who slipped below 40% (to 39%) as well. Thus, the most trusted politicians are President Klaus Iohannis (trusted by 21% of the Romanians) and Social Democrat leader Marcel Ciolacu (20%). Prime minister and Liberal leader Nicolae Ciuca come close (19%).

However, when it comes to politicians in general, only 6% of Romanians trust them. Notably, only 47% of Romanians trust the judges, less than half the score received by firefighters (91%).

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