Most Eastern Europeans working in the West come from Romania and Poland

A total of 3.67 million citizens from central and eastern EU member states are working in Western Europe, with the highest numbers coming from Romania and Poland, according to data from the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), cited by Austrian daily Der Standard.
Nearly 40% of these immigrants come from Romania, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria, reports local Mediafax.
Migration of citizens from Central and Eastern Europe who are looking for a jobs in Western Europe has intensified significantly in recent years, Romanians and Poles being the European citizens who move around the most, the data shows.
Citizens of Romania and Poland seem to be the biggest beneficiaries of free movement in the European Union, according to the Institute. Some 15% of Romanians and 6% of Poles have jobs in Western countries.
How many Romanians got citizenship in other EU states?
Irina Popescu,