One in five Romanians seek new career in 2019

Two out of five Romanian employees are dissatisfied with their current professional situation and consider a job change in 2019, and one in five even thinks of a career change, considering that they are working in the wrong field for them, according to a poll by local online jobs portal BestJobs.
Over 10% of the respondents are thinking about seeking employment abroad.
Wages are the most important reason why Romanian employees want to change their job or career, followed by the lack of sufficient opportunities for professional development or the need to change the employer, the working environment or the team.
Almost 18% of those who think of changing jobs do not feel motivated in their current position, 14% want more free time, and 10.7% of respondents find it difficult to advance within the company. Last but not least, about 27% say they do not like what they do or think the field they work in does not fit their professional skills, most of them being employees who consider a professional reconversion.
Seven in ten Romanian employees work overtime
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