Cold weather brings Romania’s gas transport system close to risk state

01 March 2018

Romania’s natural gas transport system was operating close to its risk state on Wednesday as the pressure in the pipelines was much lower than the normal parameters due to the high consumption.

The very cold weather this week has led to a spike in the natural gas and electricity consumption in Romania.

The Line Pack indicator, which shows the natural gas quantity occupying all pressurized sections of the pipeline network, went down as low as 33.24 million cubic meters on Wednesday at noon, according to data provided by the state-owned gas transporter Transgaz.

If this indicator went down under 33 million cubic meters, the system would go into a state of risk and Transgaz would have to take emergency measures to make sure the gas transport system continues to function.

Romania’s gas transport system functions in optimal terms at a Line Pack value of 41 million cubic meters while the normal functioning state is between 38 and 44 million cubic meters. A value between 33 and 38 million cubic meters shows an unbalanced state and a value under 33 million cubic meters shows a risk state.

The low pressure in the national gas pipeline system has determined Transgaz to ask for the closing down of the gas power plant operated by OMV Petrom at Brazi, according to This decision may lead to higher prices on the spot electricity market in the following days.

Cold weather warning may be extended until March 2 in Romania


Cold weather brings Romania’s gas transport system close to risk state

01 March 2018

Romania’s natural gas transport system was operating close to its risk state on Wednesday as the pressure in the pipelines was much lower than the normal parameters due to the high consumption.

The very cold weather this week has led to a spike in the natural gas and electricity consumption in Romania.

The Line Pack indicator, which shows the natural gas quantity occupying all pressurized sections of the pipeline network, went down as low as 33.24 million cubic meters on Wednesday at noon, according to data provided by the state-owned gas transporter Transgaz.

If this indicator went down under 33 million cubic meters, the system would go into a state of risk and Transgaz would have to take emergency measures to make sure the gas transport system continues to function.

Romania’s gas transport system functions in optimal terms at a Line Pack value of 41 million cubic meters while the normal functioning state is between 38 and 44 million cubic meters. A value between 33 and 38 million cubic meters shows an unbalanced state and a value under 33 million cubic meters shows a risk state.

The low pressure in the national gas pipeline system has determined Transgaz to ask for the closing down of the gas power plant operated by OMV Petrom at Brazi, according to This decision may lead to higher prices on the spot electricity market in the following days.

Cold weather warning may be extended until March 2 in Romania




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