‘Secret’ metro entrance from the communist-era discovered in Bucharest

13 January 2012

Romanian workers, currently restoring the Aparatorii Patriei market in south Bucharest, have recently discovered a ‘secret’ metro entrance from the communist period. The mayor of Bucharest’s District 4, Cristian Popescu, said that the metro entry is almost intact. “Next week we will receive the approval and the entry will be put into use,” said the Mayor for RTV channel.

According to the Romania media, it seems that Aparatorii Patriei metro station originally had two entries, but one was stoppered up over time.

The first metro line opened in Bucharest in December 1970. Currently, about 600,000 passengers use the metro daily. The Romanian capital's metro has a total length of 70 kilometers, divided into four lines, and 51 stops. Authorities are currently working on expanding the Bucharest metro network, with several new lines in various phases.  Most of the network was built during the communist period.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo source: Metrorex)


‘Secret’ metro entrance from the communist-era discovered in Bucharest

13 January 2012

Romanian workers, currently restoring the Aparatorii Patriei market in south Bucharest, have recently discovered a ‘secret’ metro entrance from the communist period. The mayor of Bucharest’s District 4, Cristian Popescu, said that the metro entry is almost intact. “Next week we will receive the approval and the entry will be put into use,” said the Mayor for RTV channel.

According to the Romania media, it seems that Aparatorii Patriei metro station originally had two entries, but one was stoppered up over time.

The first metro line opened in Bucharest in December 1970. Currently, about 600,000 passengers use the metro daily. The Romanian capital's metro has a total length of 70 kilometers, divided into four lines, and 51 stops. Authorities are currently working on expanding the Bucharest metro network, with several new lines in various phases.  Most of the network was built during the communist period.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo source: Metrorex)




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