Snow forecasted for Romania, large penalties for cars without winter tires

Romania’s Meteorological Administration (ANM) forecasted snow and low temperatures for several regions in Romania, especially in the mountain area, in the following period.
Given the new conditions, drivers will have to properly equip their cars, winter tires being mandatory in Romania when the roads are covered with snow.
Drivers in Romania risk fines of up to RON 1,800 (over EUR 400) if they don’t equip their cars with winter tires.
According to the new Roads Code, it is also forbidden to “drive a car with tires that have different sizes or features than those mentioned in the registration certificate, or used over the allowed limit”. Otherwise, drivers can be fined with up to 20 points, or RON 1,800 respectively (one penalty point equals RON 90), reports local Romania Libera.
Besides the obligation to have the cars equipped with winter tires when the roads are covered with snow, it is also recommended for drivers to change the tires when temperatures drop below minus 7 degrees Celsius, as it will be the case in the following period.
Drivers should also have several items in the trunk such as a shovel, a box with sand and snow chains, in order to be prepared for snow.
Irina Popescu,