Romanian mercenary Horațiu Potra, recently placed under judicial control for attempting to incite protests and...
Judge Marius Tudose was recently elected president of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), while the attorney... has chosen 15 topics to keep an eye on in 2015 in Romania, from business, politics, justice, culture...
Romania’s anticorruption prosecutors were realy busy in 2014, as they investigated top politicians, public officials and...
The Romanian Government recently amended the Education Law through an emergency ordinance by introducing an article that...
Courts in Romania ruled in some very important corruption cases in 2014 and high profile politicians were sentenced to...
Twenty five years after the Romanian Revolution, investigations about the "December 1989" events that led to the fall of...
Greek investor Ioannis Papalekas, one of the most powerful players on the local real-estate market, has sent a letter to...
A Bucharest-based notary public was arrested for tax evasion, with a damage of over EUR 2.8 million, after he failed to...
Two Romanian citizens who were arrested in Montenegro, on Monday, December 15, on charges of international arms...
The aeronautical tragedy in which an emergency rescue helicopter crashed in the Siutghiol lake, near the Romanian Black...
Judge Marius Tudose was recently elected president of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), while the attorney... has chosen 15 topics to keep an eye on in 2015 in Romania, from business, politics, justice, culture...
Romania’s anticorruption prosecutors were realy busy in 2014, as they investigated top politicians, public officials and...
The Romanian Government recently amended the Education Law through an emergency ordinance by introducing an article that...
Courts in Romania ruled in some very important corruption cases in 2014 and high profile politicians were sentenced to...
Twenty five years after the Romanian Revolution, investigations about the "December 1989" events that led to the fall of...
Greek investor Ioannis Papalekas, one of the most powerful players on the local real-estate market, has sent a letter to...
A Bucharest-based notary public was arrested for tax evasion, with a damage of over EUR 2.8 million, after he failed to...
Two Romanian citizens who were arrested in Montenegro, on Monday, December 15, on charges of international arms...
The aeronautical tragedy in which an emergency rescue helicopter crashed in the Siutghiol lake, near the Romanian Black...