Sole bidder for EUR 146 mln hydropower plant refurbishment contract launched by Hidroelectrica

Romania’s hydropower group Hidroelectrica has received only one offer, from a consortium led as a leader by Electromontaj, for the refurbishment of Vidraru hydropower development with an installed capacity of 220MW. The contract is estimated at EUR 146 mln, according to
This is the fifth attempt to select a contractor organized by Hidroelectrica since 2016. The latest auction was organized in 2020 when the value of the contract was estimated at only EUR 87 mln.
The previous attempts failed because the bidders did not meet the requirements included in the tender book.
Electromontaj took over last year the company Hidroconstrucția, specialized in hydropower and hydro-technical works on the surface and underground.
The consortium also includes the Croatian company Koncar Engineering, specialized in energy and railway engineering works, as well as automation.
A subcontractor is the Romanian company Butan Group, which designs, manufactures, assemblies and commissions lifting installations.
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