Romanian anti-drug intelligence major detained for drug trafficking

21 August 2017

Romanian prosecutors from the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) detained on Friday a major from the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) for high-risk drug trafficking, including cocaine.

The major is the head of the anti-drug office in Arad. Another person, a known drug dealer, was detained in the same case, for having allegedly sold the drugs.

The SRI major bought and then re-sold cannabis and cocaine worth EUR 447, respectively EUR 600 between August 11-16, according to DIICOT prosecutors. The major was caught red-handed at his home in Arad, his hometown.

DIICOT prosecutors carried out four searches in Arad on Friday, one of them at the headquarters of a public institution.


Romanian anti-drug intelligence major detained for drug trafficking

21 August 2017

Romanian prosecutors from the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) detained on Friday a major from the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) for high-risk drug trafficking, including cocaine.

The major is the head of the anti-drug office in Arad. Another person, a known drug dealer, was detained in the same case, for having allegedly sold the drugs.

The SRI major bought and then re-sold cannabis and cocaine worth EUR 447, respectively EUR 600 between August 11-16, according to DIICOT prosecutors. The major was caught red-handed at his home in Arad, his hometown.

DIICOT prosecutors carried out four searches in Arad on Friday, one of them at the headquarters of a public institution.




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