Public transport strike in Bucharest ends after five days

The employees of the Bucharest Transport Company (STB), the operator of the city's overground public transport, announced on January 25 they decided to end the strike that started on January 20.
On Tuesday morning, at 06:00, 1,287 vehicles out of a scheduled total of 1,349 were in service, STB director Adrian Criţ told Agerpres. On Monday morning, about a fifth of the available vehicles went into service, with the share rising to more than a third during the day.
Bucharest mayor Nicuşor Dan said that talks would continue so that things would improve at STB "as much as possible, depending on the available budgets," Agerpres reported.
The strike went on although a Bucharest Court ruling last week declared it illegal.
The STB employees demanded the resignation of the company's general manager Adrian Criţ, better working conditions, and salary increases.
On Monday, January 24, STB announced it was hiring drivers to replace those who refused to work.
(Photo: Adrea |