Subway from Bucharest to Otopeni airport to be ready by 2020

The subway connecting Bucharest to the Otopeni airport will be certainly completed by 2020, when Romania will host matches of the European Football Championship, transport minister Felix Stroe said yesterday, reports local
The Ministry of Transport will submit next week the documents to attract EUR 1.3 billion worth of EU money for this project.
The project has a 4-year execution term and no tender for the construction has been launched yet. This means that the subway could be completed in the best case in 2022, after the European Championship.
The Transport Ministry announced last year its plan to build a light, surface railway line between Bucharest and the Henri Coanda Airport in Otopeni. This should have been finalized before the subway line, estimated to be completed in 2021.
Romania will host four matches at the European Football Championship in 2020.