American streaming giant Netflix has just released the first teaser of its new Romanian cyber-spy series Subteran. The...
Not long ago, I was lamenting that not much was happening in Brașov movie-wise (I am from there, so whining about it is...
In a season full of festivals and events, the premieres are keeping up with the bustle, and three of my favourite films...
The months of July and August are full of festivals that take place physically, some of them delayed from earlier months...
Most events covered here are in Bucharest, sometimes in Cluj or Sibiu, cities that host important festivals, on occasion...
Radu Jude's Ieșirea trenurilor din gară/ The Exit of the Trains premiered on 18 June and is still shown in selected...
One World Romania, Romania's most important documentary film festival (and certainly the most daring, committed, no...
With better weather and better control of the pandemic, the summer of festivals is ready to kick off, and what a delight...
Cinemas have opened in Bucharest and other cities, and they show two of the year’s most thought-provoking releases: Radu...
While (almost all) cinemas are still closed it is worth having another look at their online selection, the ultimate...
Cinema ARTA, in Cluj-Napoca, is one of the oldest theatres in Romania, and with its lovely art deco elements and located...
Not long ago, I was lamenting that not much was happening in Brașov movie-wise (I am from there, so whining about it is...
In a season full of festivals and events, the premieres are keeping up with the bustle, and three of my favourite films...
The months of July and August are full of festivals that take place physically, some of them delayed from earlier months...
Most events covered here are in Bucharest, sometimes in Cluj or Sibiu, cities that host important festivals, on occasion...
Radu Jude's Ieșirea trenurilor din gară/ The Exit of the Trains premiered on 18 June and is still shown in selected...
One World Romania, Romania's most important documentary film festival (and certainly the most daring, committed, no...
With better weather and better control of the pandemic, the summer of festivals is ready to kick off, and what a delight...
Cinemas have opened in Bucharest and other cities, and they show two of the year’s most thought-provoking releases: Radu...
While (almost all) cinemas are still closed it is worth having another look at their online selection, the ultimate...
Cinema ARTA, in Cluj-Napoca, is one of the oldest theatres in Romania, and with its lovely art deco elements and located...