American streaming giant Netflix has just released the first teaser of its new Romanian cyber-spy series Subteran. The...
In this week's Romania film review column, Ioana Moldovan brings several ideas for Romania-made documentaries that can...
Dear readers, I hope you are all safe and well! As many cultural events have moved online, here are a few options to...
Having just screened at the prestigious Berlin International Film Festival, one of Radu Jude’s two current films, Tipogr...
Romanian filmmaker Cristi Puiu won the Best Director award in the Encounters section of the 2020 Berlin Film Festival...
Dragobete, the traditional lovers’ day in Romania, is coming up on February 24 and we’ve selected several Romanian...
South-Korean movie Parasite, the first non-English movie ever to win the Oscar for Best Film, is available again in...
The new year features number of eagerly awaited productions, and until they start premiering (headlined by Alexander...
A total of 91 Romanian films, released in cinemas or national and international festivals in 2019, have entered the race...
Romania made its first steps towards democracy 30 years ago, when the Revolution of 1989 put an end to the communist...
In this week's Romania film review column, Ioana Moldovan brings several ideas for Romania-made documentaries that can...
Dear readers, I hope you are all safe and well! As many cultural events have moved online, here are a few options to...
Having just screened at the prestigious Berlin International Film Festival, one of Radu Jude’s two current films, Tipogr...
Romanian filmmaker Cristi Puiu won the Best Director award in the Encounters section of the 2020 Berlin Film Festival...
Dragobete, the traditional lovers’ day in Romania, is coming up on February 24 and we’ve selected several Romanian...
South-Korean movie Parasite, the first non-English movie ever to win the Oscar for Best Film, is available again in...
The new year features number of eagerly awaited productions, and until they start premiering (headlined by Alexander...
A total of 91 Romanian films, released in cinemas or national and international festivals in 2019, have entered the race...