Three Romanian banks under scrutiny for profit taxes paid in 2013-2017

The Directorate for Large Taxpayers (DGAMC) within Romania's tax collection agency ANAF has been conducting since February 12 a fiscal inspection at a local bank related to the corporate tax due in 2013-2017, ANAF said in its answer to a Mediafax inquiry.
The bank was notified on January 10 about the inspection, the document says.
DGAMC informed that it is currently conducting partial tax inspections at two other banks. The investigations were started in 2018 in their case and concern the corporate income tax and the tax on the income obtained in Romania by non-resident legal entities between 2011-2016 and 2012-2017 respectively.
The Directorate for Large Taxpayers specified that it doesn't currently have any ongoing inspections at other local banks. The ongoing partial fiscal inspections are carried out based on a tax risk analysis and all the transactions and issues that are relevant for the correct determination of the taxable base during the period are being checked, ANAF stated.
Earlier this year, finance minister Eugen Teodorovici announced that ANAF would focus this year on large taxpayers, multinationals, on companies that use tax optimizations to reduce tax payments to the Romanian state. The minister pointed to a bank that paid overcharged interest of EUR 7 million to its parent group, the damage to the state budget amounting to EUR 1 million.
(Photo source: Facebook/Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala)