Over 40,000 tourists expected at the Romanian seaside on May 1

24 April 2018

Over 40,000 tourists are expected to spend their May 1 mini-holiday at the seaside, according to the Federation of Tourist Promotion Associations in Romania (FAPT).

Most of these tourists are expected to go to Mamaia, Vama Veche and Mamaia Nord-Navodari resorts. The number of tourists in Mamaia is expected to reach some 30,000.

About 10% more tourists are expected at the Romanian seaside this summer season, according to FAPT estimates. The resorts that will draw the most tourists are Mamaia and Vama Veche, where the biggest summer events also take place.

One of the biggest such events is the Sunwaves electronic music festival in Mamaia, which should bring some 25,000 tourists, 10,000 of whom are young people from Western Europe (UK, Germany, France and Italy) who come to Romania especially for this event, according to FAPT president Corina Martin.



Over 40,000 tourists expected at the Romanian seaside on May 1

24 April 2018

Over 40,000 tourists are expected to spend their May 1 mini-holiday at the seaside, according to the Federation of Tourist Promotion Associations in Romania (FAPT).

Most of these tourists are expected to go to Mamaia, Vama Veche and Mamaia Nord-Navodari resorts. The number of tourists in Mamaia is expected to reach some 30,000.

About 10% more tourists are expected at the Romanian seaside this summer season, according to FAPT estimates. The resorts that will draw the most tourists are Mamaia and Vama Veche, where the biggest summer events also take place.

One of the biggest such events is the Sunwaves electronic music festival in Mamaia, which should bring some 25,000 tourists, 10,000 of whom are young people from Western Europe (UK, Germany, France and Italy) who come to Romania especially for this event, according to FAPT president Corina Martin.





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