Road accidents kill some 1,900 people annually in Romania

The European statistics on road accidents and their consequences show that Romania takes up the last places in terms of road safety, said Mihai Tamaian, a Secretary of State within the Ministry of Transport, at a local conference on this topic.
Around 1,900 people die annually in Romania following road accidents, which means an average of five per day, he added, reports local Agerpres.
“In 2016, the number of victims reported to the population of Romania was 95 deaths per 1 million inhabitants,” said Tamaian.
Moreover, the number of people seriously injured in road accidents in Romania amounts to over 8,000 per year, which represents a daily average of around 22 seriously injured victims.
The European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc also said in a video message that the strong increase in the number of vehicles and the underdeveloped infrastructure led to an alarming surge in the number of road accidents in Romania.
Romania, the EU country with the highest rate of fatal work accidents
Irina Marica,