Sporting events, Călin Georgescu and Coldplay among trending Google searches in Romania

Search engine giant Google recently published the most popular searches in Romania for 2024, indicating the topics and people that generated the greatest interest during the year.
The top lists were created using "trending" lists: searches that registered sustained growth compared to 2023 over a significant period. "Trending" lists are different from the lists of the most searched terms (expressions/words ranked by absolute search volume on Google, which tend to change very little from year to year).
The most important sporting events have left their mark on the Google searches of Romanians in 2024. The European Football Championship, where the Romanian team reached the round of 16, dominates this list, and the Olympic Games, where Romanian athletes achieved very good results, also appear in the top 5.
The surprise candidate in the presidential elections, the latest iPhone model, the health issues of one of Romania’s most beloved actors, Florin Piersic, as well as the passing of some personalities influenced Romanians’ searches in 2024.
Coldplay, a band that had two concerts in Romania this summer, not without controversy, as well as the dessert of the year, Dubai chocolate, also make the list. The latter is the "star" of searches this year, dominating two of the lists—the recipe and "How to?" questions—and being included in the top 10 popular searches. Moreover, "What is cataif?" is most likely a search related to Dubai chocolate, as cataif is one of its ingredients.
The list of the most popular movies in Google searches in Romania is dominated by Dune 2. Christmas markets dominate the Christmas top searches, with the most sought-after being those in the country—Bucharest, Sibiu, Cluj, or Craiova. Romanians are also looking at Christmas markets abroad, with Vienna and Budapest on this list.
Romanians also asked Google about pensions, voting, business ideas, or gift ideas, and what to invest in. They were also eager to find out how many days are left until Christmas, what a "non-binary" person is, and how to make socată (a beverage made from the flowers of the European elder).
Popular Searches
- UEFA European Football Championship
- Călin Georgescu
- iPhone 16
- Olympic Games
- Florin Piersic
- Alain Delon
- Nicu Covaci
- Coldplay
- Liam Payne
- Dubai chocolate
(Photo source: press release)