Romanian authorities say a two-kid family can live on EUR 550 per month

The Central Insolvency Commission, a Romanian state institution dealing with personal insolvency, has calculated that a two-parent family with two children, residing in the city, can live reasonably on RON 2,600 (EUR 557) per month. This is the minimum value of the consumer basket that provides a reasonable monthly living for a family of four, according to the institution.
For a family of four living in rural areas, the sum goes down to RON 2,100 (EUR 450).
The commission came up with the numbers based on a study of a task group including representatives from the Labor Ministry, the Romanian Academy, the National Prognosis Commission, the National Institute for Scientific Research on Labor and Social Protection, and the Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC), reported.
The commission also outlined the structure of the monthly consumer basket. Around 41% of the monthly sum would go on food, namely a little over RON 1,000 (EUR 215). The utilities would cost around RON 400 monthly (EUR 86), while RON 215 (EUR 46) would cover the transportation costs. The monthly budget for health-related expenses was calculated at RON 132 (EUR 28), while that for education, recreation and culture at RON 53 (EUR 11). A family should also be able to save RON 236 (EUR 50) per month.
However, this would mean that the family doesn't pay rent or mortgage loan instalments.
For one person living in the city, the value of the minimum consumer basket stands at RON 797 (EUR 171) for an adult, at RON 587 (EUR 125) for a child older than 14, and at RON 419 (EUR 90) for a child younger than 14.
In rural areas, the value of the minimum consumer basket stands at RON 644 (EUR 138) for an adult, at RON 473 (EUR 101) for a child older than 14, and at RON 339 (EUR 73) for a child younger than 14.
By comparison, a 2018 study by Sydnex, the Quality of Life Research Institute and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung found that the value of the consumer basket that provides a decent living for a family of four (two adults and two children) in the city is RON 6,762 (EUR 1,451) per month.
The Insolvency Commission included the data in a decision establishing the general criteria setting a reasonable living standard. The decision was published in the Official Gazette.
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