Simona joined the Romania Insider team in 2015, first working on our travel guide in English and, later, writing features and interviews for Romania Insider. Since 2022, she has been Editor-in-Chief of Romania Insider. She holds a BA in Romanian and English and an MA in American Studies from the University of Bucharest and started her journalism career in 2003. Simona divides her time between her hometown Ploiești and Bucharest. While in Ploiești, she enjoys spending time with her family and taking long walks with the family dog. Going through an ever-expanding reading list and traveling, now replaced by travel literature and documentaries, are some of her favorite activities. You can get in touch with her for stories about arts, culture, and travel:
After releasing the complete works for cello and piano by George Enescu, and a jazz album last year
The opening of Primăverii Palace in Bucharest to the public earlier this year added a new place on
Several titles of contemporary Romanian fiction have recently been made available to foreign
Twenty locations throughout the city now host the works that are part of the Bucharest International
František Zachoval took over as director of the Czech Center in Bucharest in March 2015. In an
Simona Fodor looks at Romania's history at the Cannes film festival.
Romanian cinema has had a
The only French-language bookstore in Bucharest, Kyralina has been a go-to place for the francophone
Casa Poporului has become one of the most easily recognizable tourist symbols of Bucharest. Even
The past century saw an entire series of Romanian-born artists and intellectuals taking their craft
Diary of a Short-Sighted Adolescent, the first novel of Mircea Eliade, the Romanian author and
With a mission to change perceptions surrounding classical music, Romanian violinist Alexandru
Israel will be the invited country at this year’s edition of Bookfest, one of the biggest book fairs