Vancouver City Hall proclaims June 24 as the Universal Day of the Traditional Romanian Blouse

The city of Vancouver, in western Canada, recently proclaimed June 24 as the Universal Day of the Traditional Romanian Blouse.
On June 20, during a ceremony at the Vancouver City Hall, deputy mayor Lenny Zhou handed a Proclamation to Gabriel Rotaru, the Consul General of Romania. This proclamation, issued by mayor Ken Sim on behalf of the City Council, declares June 24 as the Universal Day of the Traditional Romanian Blouse, according to
The event was attended by the entire team of the General Consulate, alongside prominent figures of the Romanian community in the Vancouver metropolitan area, including the leadership of the British Columbia Romanian Canadian Chamber of Commerce (BCRCCC), members of the Tezaur Românesc group, and the local Romanian-language media (Rompost TV)
Through this gesture, which holds special symbolic significance for Romanians and Romanian-Canadians within the consular jurisdiction, the Vancouver City Hall, B.C., joins other international institutions and organizations that have officially recognized the Universal Day of the Traditional Romanian Blouse, celebrated annually on June 24, which coincides with the Feast of Sânziene.
In 2015, Washington DC City Hall declared June 24 the Universal Day of the Traditional Romanian Blouse, the first of such proclamations. The celebration grew organically online around the La Blouse Roumaine community on Facebook and then received the support of institutions from around the world.
(Photo source: Albertophotography |