Wednesday headlines: 10,000 houses on Defense Ministry plot, EUR 135 million from Swiss Federal Council

Romanian media
Every job in a multinational is chased by hundreds of candidates – in Ziarul Financiar
Head of Asesoft, in top 20 wind park developers, with 340 MW projects – in Ziarul Financiar
Smart Wings wants to enter Bucharest – Prague low cost flights – in Ziarul Financiar
EUR 135 million funds from the Swiss Federal Council – in Ziarul Financiar
Small and medium companies need to submit taxation declarations online – in Ziarul Financiar
Udrea: We will build 10,000 houses on a Defense Ministry plot – on
Gheorghe Ialomitianu about the drop of the flat tax: We have several options, decision will me bade with the IMF – on
International media
Outrage over Diamond promotion - in FT
Eurozone fears send investors to havens - in FT
Vodafone selling China Mobile stake for £4.3bn - in FT
Obama to push business tax breaks - in FT
World Bank backs investment in global farmland - in FT
HP sues ousted CEO Hurd over hiring by rival Oracle - in Washington Post