Annual white stork census starts in Romania through dedicated app

The Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) kicked off its annual white stork census for the seventh consecutive year. For a month, between June 19 and July 19, anyone can participate in the project via the dedicated Uite barza! (Look, a stork!) app.
To help count the white storks in Romania, users who spot a white stork nest can use the app to send a picture, the GPS location, and extra information such as the number of birds in the nest, the number of chicks, or the safety status of the birds and nest.
In addition, a person can also use the app to report incidents of a hazardous or even life-threatening nature involving white storks, such as electrocutions or collisions.
The Uite barza! application can be downloaded for free on iOS sau Android devices. Those who already have the app should update it before using it.
“The application helps us to census stork nests and record the number of chicks and provides us with valuable information for the conservation of the white stork population in Romania. Through this project, we want to increase responsibility and awareness of our actions and the impact we can have on the environment. Year after year, we rely on the support of as many bird, nature and travel lovers as possible to join this extraordinary adventure of counting white storks. Anyone can be an amateur ornithologist and help us count white storks,” said Andreea Oprea, communication manager at the Romanian Ornithological Society.
All the data collected through the app will be sent to the various electricity distributors in Romania in the hopes that they will get involved in this bird’s conservatorship.
(Photo source: SOR; by Anca Pui)