wiiw expects Romania’s economy to perform “particularly strongly” in 2024

Despite the challenging international environment and significant downside risks, the economies of most Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European countries are expected to perform well in 2024 – especially the EU member states, according to the new Spring Forecast issued by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) for 23 countries of the region.
The Southeastern European EU members Romania (3.0%) and Croatia (2.9%) are expected to grow particularly strongly in 2024.
The inflow of funds from the NextGenerationEU coronavirus recovery fund is supporting the economy there.
Romania’s economic growth is expected to strengthen further to 3.3% in 2025 (the second-highest rate among the region’s 11 EU member states, close to Poland’s 3.4% advance) and 3.8% in 2026 (the highest growth rate among the region’s 11 EU member states).
(Photo source: Antonyesse/Dreamstime.com)